En hodeicloud sl, estamos dando un salto audaz hacia el futuro del bienestar animal. Estamos emocionados de compartir un vistazo de 'pettech' - nuestra próxima innovación destinada a transformar la vida de nuestras mascotas y sus propietarios.

Mi Historia


Mi Experiencia


Mi Formación


Mis Logros


two dogs sitting on maroon area rug
two dogs sitting on maroon area rug

Mis Proyectos

I have worked on various technological solutions, including mobile applications and smart devices, aimed at improving the lives of pets. You can find a selection of my previous and current projects here


This section showcases successful projects I've worked on. Explore the gallery to see how technology can truly improve our pets' lives

person holding gray tabby cat while lying on bed
person holding gray tabby cat while lying on bed